To my loved ones.....
I'm sending a blog that Jordan (my fiancé) wrote today; why do you ask....well because is passion that I think needs to be shared.
I have been around passionate people, I have been around impacting people, I have been around people who can speak truth into my life, and I've seen all great things from them and I have strived to be like each of them. However, there is something about Jordan's passion these days that gets me more fired up than ever before. He has a true passion to love the people around him and to change the world around him. It's people like him and passion like that that brings others to a point of question..."Am I that passionate? And if not, I should be!"
I can tell him over and over how proud of him I am, how I'm lucky to soon be his wife, how he makes me a better person, and how his passion is life changing for me, but I think the best way I can show him how much it means to me is to be as passionate about reaching lost and hurting people.
Jordan preached his second message last night about LOVE....such a common word, but yet the true meaning sometimes gets forgotten. What he spoke stuck to me....it went straight to my heart....and I realized....I need to speak, walk, breathe and live love to everyone I come in contact with. Reaching people for Christ may not be the easiest thing, but loving them is. Loving them is what He's called us to do....to love each other like He loves us. Think about it....it's really not that hard.
So, thank you baby for reminding me how simple spreading the LOVE of Christ can be. I choose today to be as passionate as you are about reaching people, loving people, and making a difference in the world around me. I love you.
I'm sending a blog that Jordan (my fiancé) wrote today; why do you ask....well because is passion that I think needs to be shared.
I have been around passionate people, I have been around impacting people, I have been around people who can speak truth into my life, and I've seen all great things from them and I have strived to be like each of them. However, there is something about Jordan's passion these days that gets me more fired up than ever before. He has a true passion to love the people around him and to change the world around him. It's people like him and passion like that that brings others to a point of question..."Am I that passionate? And if not, I should be!"
I can tell him over and over how proud of him I am, how I'm lucky to soon be his wife, how he makes me a better person, and how his passion is life changing for me, but I think the best way I can show him how much it means to me is to be as passionate about reaching lost and hurting people.
Jordan preached his second message last night about LOVE....such a common word, but yet the true meaning sometimes gets forgotten. What he spoke stuck to me....it went straight to my heart....and I realized....I need to speak, walk, breathe and live love to everyone I come in contact with. Reaching people for Christ may not be the easiest thing, but loving them is. Loving them is what He's called us to do....to love each other like He loves us. Think about it....it's really not that hard.
So, thank you baby for reminding me how simple spreading the LOVE of Christ can be. I choose today to be as passionate as you are about reaching people, loving people, and making a difference in the world around me. I love you.
Love & Hope
Our mission is to love and be loved. What we often miss is that our words have an impact on individuals, nations, communities, and ourselves. Listen hear to this if we speak love and life we (this generation) will see a revolution happen. If this is our world, we need to love it for all that's inside itLet there be no more wars, death or riotsThere'd be no more police, packed parking lots, guns, bombs sounding off.I know that you have it within each and everyone of you. You're voice can impact the world around you. Take this lyric from Angels and Airwaves..."watch our words spread HOPE like fire!" God is asking...who is ready for a change...to turn this world upside down?
-I am! Simple as that.
Jordan Kerns
Micah 6:6-8
6 How can I stand up before God and show proper respect to the high God? Should I bring an armload of offerings topped off with yearling calves? 7 Would God be impressed with thousands of rams, with buckets and barrels of olive oil? Would he be moved if I sacrificed my firstborn child, my precious baby, to cancel my sin? 8 But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously.
6 How can I stand up before God and show proper respect to the high God? Should I bring an armload of offerings topped off with yearling calves? 7 Would God be impressed with thousands of rams, with buckets and barrels of olive oil? Would he be moved if I sacrificed my firstborn child, my precious baby, to cancel my sin? 8 But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously.
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